Getting Married in Ireland,  Photography,  Real Weddings,  Wedding Venues

When Hollie & Darren Got Married

Can you believe it’s been a whole year since Hollie and Darren said their vows? It feels like just yesterday we were all gathered in Castlederg at the chapel, watching these two wonderful souls, along with their wee ones, start their forever together.


Hollie, our beautiful Scottish bride, and Darren, the proud Donegal man, made sure their special day was a real family affair. Their two wee rascals, Lucas and Ezemee, nearly stole the show! Lucas, just five at the time, took his role as pageboy very seriously of course, marching down the aisle with all the confidence of a wee man on a mission. And then there was Ezemee, their adorable two-year-old flower girl, who melted everyones hearts

Hollie looked stunning as she walked down the aisle, and Darren’s smile could have lit up the whole chapel. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house when they exchanged their vows, with Lucas and Ezemee watching on as mummy and daddy got married! It was clear that this wasn’t just the joining of two people, but the coming together of a beautiful family….


Now, what’s a wedding day without a wee bit of adventure, especially with the Irish weather keeping us all on our toes? After the ceremony, we made a quick stop at a sunflower field on the way to Kees Hotel in Donegal. Luck would have it we didn’t have to venture too far as there was a flower field right in the Derg! Despite a bit of wind and a cheeky shower of rain, we managed to capture some of the most breathtaking photos. Hollie and Darren were absolute troopers, laughing off the weather!!


But the day wouldn’t have been complete without a quick visit to see Darren’s Granny Lynch. The smile on her face when they walked through the door, especially when she saw Lucas and Ezemee all dressed up, was something special. There was a few cuddles as grannies do best, before sending the happy couple off with her blessings.


By the time we reached Kees Hotel, the craic was well underway!!


Hollie and Darren, what a day it was! Thanks for letting me capture these memories, and here’s to many more years of love, laughter, and maybe just a bit more sunshine. Happy First Anniversary to you and your wee family!


Lauren Coulter Photography

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